Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy new Year to all regular (and non-regular) readers. I've been overwhelmed by the steady numbers that the blog has been getting. Sometime in the last two days we've managed to reach the 30,000 hit mark, and last December was the most viewed month since I started counting, with more than 2,000 individual visits during the month. Needless to say, this prompts me to continue doing the same during 2007 (I know the masses want more llama pictures).

I thought of recording an MP3 of myself singing Auld Lang Syne, but I can never remember the lyrics, and it's hard to get on the spirit of Hogmanay at 28 °C. Perhaps next year...


Anonymous said...

Not just more llama pictures, more different llama pictures.

Andres Guadamuz said...

I have a nice collection. I promise to release them more regularly.