Friday, May 09, 2008

In defence of Edinburgh

This is not at all related to the law, but I am so outraged that I must speak my mind. The Apprentice UK Edition has brought the reputation of Edinburgh University to the fore. At the heart of the question is a confusion on what constitutes the difference between halal and kosher chicken meat. Michael Sophocles is a former student of Edinburgh, and he did not know the difference , despite being "a good Jewish boy". Margaret Mountford, Sir Alan Sugar's sidekick, reckons that Edinburgh University is to blame. "I think Edinburgh isn't what it used to be," she exclaimed in the boardroom. Kosher-gate has legs, it has been picked up by the wonderful Anna Prickard in The Guardian.

I was more worried about Michael's cheating ways, and his attempts to bribery, than about his knowledge of the intricacies of kosher food. I checked the electronic records and he was indeed a student of Classics at the august institutions that pays my bills, albeit one not holding the most brilliant marks. However, should an institution be indicted based on whether one student knows what Halal is?

We demand an apology from Margaret!


pangloss said...

I was so going to blog this too!!!! Bah!

Anonymous said...

In all fairness, Edinburgh University does nothing to promote kosher meat.

See this exerpt from a University guide sent to all new foreign students in certain majors.

"If you are missing the flavours of home cooking, don't despair! There are numerous restaurants catering for all sorts of different tastes. It is possible to buy halal meat in Edinburgh and although kosher food is not available from shops here, it can be found in Glasgow." This can be found at:

Guess I know where to source my challah bread now...

pangloss said...

But that's pretty much true:(
There used to be a Jewish bakery in Edinburgh but it closed down. AFAIK the only place in Edin that does anything approaching a "real" bagel is Elephants and Bagels. And matzah meal, wurst etc -- all in Glasgow.
Challah bread or damn near it though I think you can get from Peckhams. they certainly do a great egg loaf and sweet and sour (though they don';t call them that!)

Andres Guadamuz said...

"Good Jewish girl" Edwards :)

Anonymous said...

pretty much true