Saturday, June 24, 2006

First day impressions

Andres Guadamuz (picture courtesy of Ariel Vercelli)
I'm still here after the first day, a bit worse for wear from jet-lag and a dodgy stomach, but still going. So many different highlights to the first day! Perhaps I should just paint a picture of what the place feels like.

As I mentioned yesterday, there are people of all races, ages, social backgrounds and hair-styles walking around. From bright pink to experienced gray, there are 300 people in the place literally from all over the world. Lawyers, artists, academics, scientists, hackers, musicians, writers, coders, NGOs, international organisations, lobbyists, industry. Did I mention the lawyers?

Nevertheless, I think that I still miss the nice coziness from last year, this event may have gotten too big. The very important discussions, such as the new version of the licences, have been rushed because of the time pressure. I think that future events may want to leave more time for the policy sessions.

Anyway, there has been a lack of hard content, but the atmosphere is amazing.

I need to get some Guarana drinks.

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