Tuesday, May 16, 2006

WIPO Advisory Committe on Enforcement: Day 2

It may be because this is an enforcement meeting, but the feeling in the meeting is pretty much pro-owner. Seems like everybody is singing from the same sheet (with very few exceptions). The rhetoric seems to be quie stronger against all sorts of piracy. Some noteworthy comments:

Malaysia: Counterfeiters must end behind bars! Strong hand, Malaysian government practically equates piracy with counterfeiting.

Barbuda: IP enforcement is difficult because of lack of resources.

Brazil: Enforcement with a social face. Police enforcement is followed by concise education policies. A very cool-looking campaign against piracy has been followed by price-reduction, which has been well-received by the public.

Comments to the Brazilian efforts: A lot of favourable comments to public/private partnerships to reduce prices.

IFPI: Price reduction will not work because prices are set by markets, not by regulators or NGOs.

Interpol: Police intervention for cross-border smuggling of conuterfeits.

Spain: Two-pronged approach, spearating enforcement issues between copyright and industrial property. Piracy is not only what is illegal and/or criminal, it is the culture and attitude of infringement.

Australia: Copyright legislation is being reviewed, looking at exceptions to allow for time-shifting, on-site offences and more serious offences. Australia does a lot of work with industry. How do you measure the effect of infringement? Trying to unify methodology on this issue.

Switzerland: Counterfeiting is bad. Public-private partnerships work.


pangloss said...

No, the WIPO meeting I went to had very similar vibe. Remeber it's only very recently that civil society has even been allowed to observe at WIPO. It's the anti Lessig lovefest :-)

pangloss said...

ps have you sen the new Australian laws? A lot of people are er amused! eg you can indeed timeshift but apparently only if you are then the only person who watches the copy..