Monday, October 23, 2006

Regulating YouTube?

It seems like after YouTube has been purchased by Google, it has managed to attract a large number of news stories, particularly with calls to regulate the site.

The first news item comes from a potential crack-down of YouTube in the UK, as it has been noticed by ministers that the site is used for cyber-bullying, posting violent attacks on the streets, and to humiliate teachers. While the use of the site's upload capabilities to promote violence are abhorrent, one has to ask whether it is possible to regulate the practice only within the UK. Perhaps YouTube can fulfill better policing and editorial functions, but that would leave them more vulnerable to liability.

There are other stories about copyright concerns. The BBC reports that YouTube has had to remove 30,000 infringing clips from Japanese media companies, and then that an independent company has been placing Premiership goals on the site. I believe that what has been taking place has been prompted by the increase in publicity, but also by the fact that YouTube will increasingly become a target for litigation.

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